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ChatGPT on medical marijuana
After decades of prohibition, cannabis has made a powerful comeback, giving again - there are said to be 50,000 uses for this remarkable plant. Hemp is processed in many ways, yielding food, fiber for clothing, extracts, supplements, biofuels, energy pellets and even bioplastic or active material in battery electrolytes. Mostly, however, the public hears about cbd oils, hemp oils and medical marijuana. Unfortunately, most get lost and do not understand the difference.

For tens of thousands of years, or perhaps since time immemorial, hemp has been with us. The oldest records confirm that people began to enjoy the benefits of this amazing plant more than 10,000 years ago in Taiwan's Shanxi province. Hemp came to Europe and also to the territories of today's Poland with the nomadic Scythian tribe from the Tibetan plateau.. Hemp has been used by humans for a variety of purposes, but its medicinal properties were already described by the Red Emperor of China in the sixth century B.C.. , to be followed by , Shennong Bencao Jing in 2727. BC. recorded their medicinal properties in the oldest Chinese pharmacopoeia. In the fifth century B.C., inhalation of hemp smoke was described by the Greek historian Herodotus. That hemp has strongly influenced human health and life for centuries is indisputable, and this continued roughly until the late 1940s, when the Herbst corporation and the rampant chemical corporations including the DuPont concert decided to eliminate hemp from common use. And it's a shame, because for that time, hemp and its extracts formed the basis for 80% of the drugs available at the time.

In order to understand the difference between medical marijuana and so-called cbd oils or droughts, we need to learn about the plant. Hemp is otherwise known as cannabis sativa L. distinguished subspecies in the world, actually absorbs Cannabis Indica, cannabis. Cannabis is the stencil name for a subspecies of the cannabis plant Cannabis Sativa L.. subsp. indica. Taxonomically, they belong to a single species Cannabis Sativa L.. Historically, they were distinguished by their use and profile of operation. Some specialists in plant taxonomy are convinced that today, after many years of crossbreeding under cultivation conditions between indica and sativa, it would be appropriate to stop with the name cannabis sativa

Medical marijuana ( MM ) in Poland was able to exist after many years of cannabis prohibition, thanks to a law passed in November 2017, called Lex Liroy, after Piotr Marc known by his artistic pseudonym Liroy. It is to his credit that he submitted the bill and convinced 440 deputies to vote yes.

MM is the dried flowers of a plant of the genus Cannabis Sativa, and this is what patients using its benefits can read on the pharmacy package. But what makes it different from , "other" cannabis. From recreational hemp quality and standardization of THC and CBD content. From hemp for the production of oils or dried CBD content of THC and other cannabinoids including CBD. It is also worth noting that hemp oil and hemp seed oil are two completely different products. Hemp oil, commonly referred to as CBD oil in Poland, is usually an extract from the inflorescence of the hemp plant with a low THC content. This extract, which is an oil containing cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, is dissolved in a so-called. Base oil, which is vegetable oil, coconut oil or hemp seed oil. It is common for CBD oil to contain one or more cannabinoids, sometimes the product does not contain terpenes, and some RAW, or raw, products also contain waxes and acid forms of cannabinoids. So hemp oil, called CBD oil in Poland, contains a whole range of phytonutrients, phytocannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. Hemp seed oil is a food product, very healthy with a rich content of micro and macronutrients, omega 3, 6 and 9 acids in ideal proportions and amino acids essential for our functioning, including the underrated tryptophan.

It should be noted that in the market of so-called. cbd oils quality and standardization does not go hand in hand with the increasing popularity of the products. On the other hand, it is a misconception that only THC or Medical Marijuana has health-promoting properties. In the late 1980s and early 1990s when our body's overarching communication system, called the endocannabinoid system - ECS - was discovered, a flurry of research on individual cannabinoids began. Interestingly, this research began in the late 19th century, but the biggest continuator of this research is Prof.. Raphael Mechoulam, known as the father of medical marijuana, who became involved with cannabis in the late 1940s and early 1950s. It was his discoveries, and later those of his doctoral students, that laid the foundation for the medical use of cannabinoids. I often encounter opinions that cannabinoids will not work without THC, and that the most important thing is synergy. In a way, it is a prada. With an in-depth slant on the ambient effect, or entourage effect, a theory described and supported by scientific evidence by Dr. Ethan Russo, we learn that the non-cannabinoid components of cannabis, or terpenes, are inhibitors of the effects of THC, for example, enhancing the therapeutic index of this phytocannabinoid. This synergy according to Russo increases the potential of hemp extracts. Later in his work, Russo refers to individual cannabinoid pairs or cannabinoid-terpene pairs. Often Russo's work is subject to over-interpretation, and I have found that there are a whole host of THC devotees who refuse to understand that individual cannabinoids have a range of health-promoting properties. In support of this, I will quote perhaps not very common information. When aids was a deadly disease in the 1990s, the first cannabis-based drug dronabinol with an isolated THC molecule appeared. Then came more drugs, epidolex, sativex and almost forty others.These drugs are often pairs of cannabinoids or single isolated cannabinoids, sometimes natural and sometimes synthetic, most often THC or CBD in a pair or singly. What's more, for several years now, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, along with a prominent British pharmaceutical tycoon, have begun producing drugs based on isolated forms of acidic cannabinoids: THCa, CBDa, CBGa. This provides a counter to the prevailing belief that only THC and only the ambient effect is the only truth. There are effective prescription drugs where the only active ingredient is CBD.

So, since individual cannabinoid molecules, even on their own, are able to affect the health of our body through the stimulation of receptors, not only endocannabinoid receptors, which has been confirmed in recent years by numerous scientific evidence, I dare say and I am convinced by my own experience that not only Medical Marijuana has medical properties. It's just a matter of regulations so that MM can be sold in pharmacies in the right standardization and quality. CBD in itself is extremely powerful, moreover, like the other 140 cannabinoids recognized so far. Undeniably, CBD has the broadest list of properties, a much larger spectrum of proven effects than THC. THC is psychoactive and should be regulated, due to its narcotic properties. However, let's remember that the readily available and widespread CBD can do a lot with its immunomodulatory, neuroprotective, neuromodulatory, anti-inflammatory properties, etc.. This CBD was patented by the U.S. Institute of Naval Medicine under the famous patent number 507. This CBD is the main ingredient in most medicines based on hemp extracts. MM is not a drug, as defined by pharmaceutical law, it is a pharmaceutical raw material available only by prescription.

While writing about the differences between medical marijuana and CBD, I must also, explain how the crops differ. In general, the main differences between medicinal marijuana cultivation and CBD cannabis cultivation relate to permits and the scope of licensed activities, i.e.. What we can actually make of the plant. Varieties, often hybrids, with high THC content are used for medical marijuana. Cultivation for medical marijuana, is even characterized by laboratory cultivation, with special measures. Composition and purity are analyzed repeatedly at each stage of plant growth phases. Even packaging is regulated by strict regulations. Interestingly, there are CBD producers who, despite the fact that no one and nothing tells them to do so, grow their varieties under medical marijuana restrictions, maintaining the highest quality and standardization. In Poland, you can only grow cannabis seeds:
  • for textile, chemical, pulp and paper, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and energy needs
  • for seed and scientific research purposes
  • for the production of composite materials, construction materials and natural plant protection products
  • for breeding of fiber hemp varieties, land reclamation and remediation
  • For food, veterinary, feed, beekeeping, fertilizer and insulation purposes.

The bill of March 24, 2022, amending the Law on Counteracting Drug Addiction raised the THC limit from 0.2% to 0.3%.. The law came into force and is effective May 7, 2022.
To recap Cannabis includes Medical Marijuana, recreational marijuana, often, unfortunately from an unknown source and systematically chemically , "tuned", and popular CBD products. Unfortunately, among CBD products, through unregulated regulations, we have trouble defining what they are. Is cbd a health food, supplement or therapeutic product? All in all, we can categorize cbd into all three categories at the same time, and even CBD is sold in the form of prescription drugs. However, keep in mind that in the CBD hemp industry, we deal with poor quality products all the time, or with a composition that leaves much to be desired. So all cannabis is medical, but only some has been given the name medical. With regard to the emerging medical marijuana dispensaries in Poland, it often turns out that the , "professionals" of these entities call medical marijuana cbd products, and against this should be warned. A prescription for medical marijuana can only be issued by a doctor and is a specific type of prescription with unique numbers identifying , "RPW" as for any narcotic drug.

Author: Tomasz Różanski