In these few words is a story about dreams, friendship, and that the word MISSION still has value in today's world.
Our mission is to educate and give hemp the place it deserves. It’s an organic,
cheap-to-produce and free-from-carbon-footprint plant. Not only that but
also we want to expand the freedom values in the Cannabis industry and raise
the standard of living. The HBB team prioritize the libertarian approach.
Our vision is to create a new economy for the Cannabis industry. We want to
consolidate the existing chaos. HBB will be the market leader for the following
decades, bringing together the worldwide hemp community.
HUBburger will become the synonym of niched Google in the Cannabis
industry - if you want to know something, you just go there and get what you
were looking for.
The Cannabis law was established in Poland in 2017 by Piotr Liroy-Marzec,
Maciej Sagal and Jędrzej Sadowski (Cannabis legal advisor). We don't see any
threats to the growth of the Cannabis industry. Changes can only go in a
positive direction globally.
Even countries like Lebanon and Thailand have understood that hemp should
not be punished.
(Example: From the war on drugs to weed curries. Thailand legalized
cultivating and consuming Cannabis, source: )
By providing education, we will promote the right approach to Cannabis.